2024 - 2025 SEASON
Kitsap Philharmonic ensures that students are placed in an ensemble appropriate for their age and ability. Auditions are an opportunity for artistic staff to get to know the musicians. All students must audition once per season.
Debut Orchestra: This orchestra consists of the youngest string musicians in their first and second year of playing.
Intermediate Ensemble: This symphony consists of string, wind, and percussion musicians capable of reading grade 2 and 3 literature. String students at this level have the ability to read music in first position, and beginning knowledge of second and third position, especially for first violins. They also have an understanding of basic rhythms. Generally this ensemble consists of advanced middle school and young high school students.
Advanced Ensemble: This symphony consists of the most advanced musicians with multiple years of experience on their instrument, generally high school and post-secondary students. String students at this level have secure knowledge of third and fifth positions, and at least introductory knowledge of second, fourth, and some higher positions. They also demonstrate rhythmic accuracy and accurate intonation.
Spring auditions will be held Sunday, February 23, prior to rehearsal.
For questions, contact info@k-phil.org.
Who: Students age 8 - 21 with minimum one year experience
What: 2024 - 2025 Spring Auditions
When: Sunday, February 23, prior to rehearsal
Where: Central Kitsap High School (Instrumental Music Room)
Audition Fee: $35
The audition fee is non-refundable and covers our cost of renting the audition space and giving each musician a Kitsap Philharmonic t-shirt.
Spring Tuition Fee: Prorated $120 for the Debut Orchestra, $160 for the Intermediate Ensemble, $210 for the Advanced Ensemble
You must register by Friday, February 21 to receive an audition time. Audition times will be sent out by Saturday, February 22.
Students should be prepared to play the following. They may or may not not be asked to play all of the audition requirements.
Debut Orchestra: entry-level students:
A solo piece that demonstrates your playing ability
Intermediate Ensemble: beginning and intermediate students
One two octave G major scale, demonstrating accurate intonation and resonant tone
A solo piece not longer than 1 minute that best shows your technique and musicality
You will also be asked to sight read.
Advanced Ensemble: advanced-intermediate and advanced students
One major and one melodic minor scale of your choice (3 octaves are preferred but not required)
For violins only, one excerpt: Ruslan and Ludmilla from the beginning up until 5 before B (click here to view)
A short solo piece that demonstrates your technique and musicality
You will also be asked to sight read.